Category: Business Process Automation

12 Feb 2020
Emergency Response Workflow Automation Power BI Optimum Consulting

Case Study: Emergency Response Company Increases Productivity and Enhances Reporting Using SharePoint Online and Power BI

Download Full Case Study Challenge/Opportunity The client used manual processes and disparate spreadsheets to track and manage their proposals and contracts. The internal teams created KPI reports manually and using Excel, requiring extensive time and data manipulation. These reports had to be customized for different users on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis and the […]

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06 Jul 2019
Office 365 Intranet Beezy Optimum

Intelligent Workplace: Key to Developing a Culture of Employee Engagement

Intelligent Workplace: Key to Developing a Culture of Employee Engagement In an evolving digital workforce environment, and with the rapid pace of innovation available to improve productivity, organizations recognize the need to promote new ways of working. The new workforce is joining organizations with the mindset of a digital consumer and employees want and need real-time access […]

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18 Jun 2019

Unleashing the Power of Automation: The Superhero’s Toolkit

In the realm of business process optimization, heroes don’t wear capes; they wield tools like Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). But behind every successful automation initiative lies a team of unsung heroes: Process Engineers, Business Analysts, and Project Managers.  Let’s delve into the arsenal of tools that empower these modern-day superheroes to […]

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21 May 2019
Charter School Process Workflow Automaion Nintex Office 365 Optimum

Case Study: Charter School automates the Summer School selection process

Download Full Case Study Classical Charter Schools prepares K-8th grade scholars in the South Bronx to excel in college preparatory high schools. Through a classical curriculum and highly structured setting, students become liberated scholars and citizens of impeccable character who achieve proficiency in and advanced mastery of New York State Performance Standards. The school offers […]

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18 Apr 2019

Why Understanding Process Dynamics is Crucial for Effective Business Process Automation (BPA)

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, Business Process Automation has transitioned from being a mere trend to a fundamental requirement for organizations aiming to stay competitive. However, successful BPA implementation goes beyond just deploying automation tools; it requires a thorough understanding of the organization’s unique processes and workflows. Let’s delve deeper into what Business Process […]

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05 Jul 2017

Improving Safety Operations in Oil and Gas with Business Process Automation

Despite oil price downturns, which prompt widespread drive for cost reduction within upstream businesses, Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) remains an unwavering priority for the Oil and Gas industry. The stark reality is that lapses in safety can yield catastrophic consequences, impacting lives and livelihoods alike. In light of this, enhancing safety measures while simultaneously […]

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05 Apr 2017

How to Boost Productivity and Accelerate Success with Business Process Automation

Navigating through manual processes, document reviews, and employee tasks can feel like an uphill battle in today’s fast-paced business environment. The complexity and time demands of these tasks often lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and ultimately, client dissatisfaction.  Consider the intricate dance of HR employee onboarding: from recruitment to provisioning, the process involves multiple departments, […]

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